
Sunday, July 14, 2013

28 Days to Litany Run 2!!!

My dear friends, today we kicked off Leg 7 (lucky #7??) ofthe 99-Day Novena Relay leading up to the Feast of St. Augustine, and my entrance date – August 28th! I’ve had a number of wonderful people report the fruits that they are experiencing from this novena… and it is always such a blessing to receive message about how the Lord is working in your lives. He refuses nothing that is asked of Him with humble and contrite hearts. Deo gratias! In addition to the powerful intercession of Our Lady, St. Benedicts Bl. Pier Giorgio Frassati, and Sts. Norbert & Evermode – we are now also asking for the intercession of St. Mary Magdalene and St. Peter. It goes without saying how important these two disciples of the Lord are, and what a grace it is to pray through them with you!

As my next race draws nearer and time to get sponsorships before the middle of August runs short – I have been reflecting quite a lot lately on how generous He is to offer us Him mercy, no matter how badly we have offended Him and rejected His goodness. Our God is one of justice – yes, absolutely. But He is always ready to forgive those who truly seek forgiveness and a conversion of heart. We should all be striving for deeper conversion, always. Jesus said to be perfect because our heavenly Father is perfect, and we must never cease trying to reach this perfection! While we know we will only attain it in heaven, we are asked to do all that we can in this life to be humble and good as our Lord is. May we never grow lukewarm or satisfied with what we give back to Him – for He has given us everything. His very Son. His very life! 

How merciful the Lord was to Mary Magdalene. She was considered practically the scum of the earth, and yet He chose her to be one of His closest and most beloved followers. Christ could have resented St. Peter, for He knew that the Apostle would deny Him three times.  After all they had been through together! And yet our Lord chose Him as the one who would hold the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven. Oh what great hope we can take from these two beautiful heroes of our heritage! The God of justice calls the worst of sinners to be His greatest saints! 

Most of the reason I have not written in a few weeks is that I have been quite busy running around making preparations for entrance, and while this has included some logistical planning – most of this preparation has been spiritual. I’ll let you in on a little secret – St. Faustina’s Diary and all things Divine Mercy related have been enveloping my whole life over the last few months. Words cannot describe how close this saint has become to me – and I can’t believe I didn’t include her in the 99-Day Novena originally! She’s now alongside my confirmation saint – Maximilian Kolbe – in the 9 days before the final Novena through St. Augustine. The message of Divine Mercy that our Lord Jesus gave to St. Faustina is so important that I can’t believe it’s taken me this long to really learn anything about this devotion. I won’t even begin to go into details about how it is flipping my life 180 degrees in the direction of true sacrifice in view of holiness. But if you don’t know anything about the Divine Mercy – I beg you to begin finding out about it immediately! 

As far as fundraising goes – well its time to kick it back into high gear, folks. Thank you SO MUCH for your support thus far. If you have supported me either through finances, prayers, or sharing my story – be assured that I have kept you in my prayers every single day, and will continue to do so. If you have the means, I ask you to pray and consider giving perhaps one more time in the near future, and more than that – please please please share this as much as you can! As I continue training for the Water to Wine Half Marathon in Sonoma, CA on August 11th, I am also making every preparation for entrance on August 28th. I am putting my trust in the Lord – that He will direct many kind and generous hearts toward Litany Run in the next couple of weeks. As of this evening my debt is down to a beautiful $33,325.40! Still a long way to go, but I am excited to see what God is going to do over the next couple of weeks! I continue to pray with complete trust that His plan for me will be revealed in due time!

Sr. Mary Magdalene on her entrance day (a few years ago)
With Mother Mary Augustine, O.Praem.
A number of people have requested my WISHLIST – which I am happy to send out! Praise Jesus, this weekend I was able to purchase the main articles of clothing that will comprise my postulancy outfit – the skirt/shirts/jackets I will be wearing for the next nine months. Kind of intimidating to see myself dressed as a postulant for the first time (minus the veil and shoes). It all seems to become much more real when you look in the mirror and see one dressed in reverence and acceptance of the invitation to holy unity with the Creator of the universe.  

As my entrance date draws closer the reality that I am (God willing) leaving the “world” soon is beginning to set in. And with so much going on in the world it hardly seems possible that one would be able to die to it, to withdraw from all of its chaotic movement and settle into a quieter life of prayer. Yet some of us are called to this life and it is our responsibility to respond, to cooperate with God’s grace. What a blessing it has been to receive a number of messages/emails and even a few sponsorships from other people discerning religious life – both to the Norbertine order and other charisms! God is so generous with all He gives us, and it is so amazing to share with others as we embark upon our journeys to sainthood. This is what the Lord calls us ALL to! Sainthood! Whether He gives us an earthly spouse or calls us to Divine Espousal.

A friend posted this video on FB earlier today and I thought it was beautiful. My prayer is that someday, when I am old and gray, anyone will be able to look at me, and talk to me, and understand that I love God’s children with the same joy that this man has: 

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