[began writing at 5:30am]
It’s almost 6:00am on the second day of this 99-Day Novena
and already the Lord has presented me with a most spectacular assemblage of
graces and challenges. I don’t know how its been going for you so far… but I
can tell that the next 98 days are going to be interesting.
So much has been going through my mind lately. Spending the
majority of my time focusing attention on fundraising and whether or not I will
have my loans paid off in time for the Feast of St. Augustine, (not really worried, per se, for I know that I will
be ready to enter at the time the Lord has appointed for me to enter… but
really just focusing on how I can best do the Lord’s will so that He can
accomplish this through my efforts in the world), has left me somewhat hesitant
to write about my own personal discernment and where I am in that, at this
point. But I feel I do owe it to you, my friends, to let you know how greatly
appreciative I was to read of this woman’s compassion for me and people like
me, regardless of what may happen in the future.
You see my friends, my heart is inclined, more and more each
day, to doing the will of God – whatever that may be. When God says, “Jump” I
do not wish to ask, “How high?” … for that is irrelevant. He has commanded me
to jump, and I will jump – how high is of no consequence at all and I know that
I will ascend only as high as is fitting to His desires. I only wish to be
consumed by His love and to be a vessel He uses to shower this love upon
others. Right now I feel called to enter the Bethlehem Priory of St. Joseph and
stay there until He calls me Home, offering my life and prayers for the world
without the limitations of any specific region or district –
to which my Gospel-spreading-efforts would likely be confined if I were called
to remain in the world. Right now I feel called to pursue a life that benefits
man beyond these limitations. I desire for my efforts to spread throughout the
whole world through my separation from it and pursuit of perfecting my prayers
from the solitude of the monastery, so that they can be offered more purely for
the salvation of souls.
But my friends, while I do recognize this passion in my
heart and have a fervent desire to enter religious life right now, I would be doing you a disservice if I, for one second, presumed to know the will of God, and whether it is His intention for me to remain permanently at the Bethlehem Priory of St. Joseph. Through all our good
intentions we must be prudent, and so I must admit to you that for the rest of
my life I must be absolutely open to His will – which calls for my continued
discernment and openness to the possibility that He may someday call me out of that particular community - possibly to a different one, or possibly out of religious life altogether. The thought of this is more than slightly unnerving, (which is where trust comes in and perseverance is needed more than ever to maintain peace of the heart), for at the
present time I feel a great call to detach from the world and pursue great
union with God – that the presence of His Son might increase in my heart and He
may use me to win souls. But if I am to be a good and faithful servant, I must
also remain aware that there are some whom He calls to live a life of detachment
and solitude for only a time – to grow in holiness so that they may bring the
Love they have discovered back out into the world. Through the increasing
generosity of young people these days, vocations to the priesthood and
religious life have been growing and many have entered over the last decade or
so. But out of the many there are a number who have spent their time growing in perfection with the
Lord for as long as He wished, and then responded to His call for them to leave
their respective communities and carry Christ, who has settled in their hearts
and developed His home in the depths of their souls, back out into their
ministries and families outside of religious life.
"Many are called, but few are chosen..."
This is a very real possibility and I must remain honest and open about it. Up until now I have been very careful not to convey any doubt that my vocation is to aid in the sanctification of souls through entering the Order of Premontre, for it is quite true that I do not have one ounce of doubt that the Lord is calling me to enter. But I must now protect your heart by acknowledging that He may someday call me out of the Order and back into the world before I take my final vows. Should that be His will, my hope is that you would view me as never having deceived you by stating that I know it is His will for me to become a solemnly professed canoness. Do I believe in my heart that that is His will? Yes, I very much do. And I pray for perseverance through whatever trials He may present me with on my journey to become His bride, if that is truly His will. But if it is not, I pray for understanding. Both on my part and the part of all you generous people who have helped me thus far.
"Many are called, but few are chosen..."
This is a very real possibility and I must remain honest and open about it. Up until now I have been very careful not to convey any doubt that my vocation is to aid in the sanctification of souls through entering the Order of Premontre, for it is quite true that I do not have one ounce of doubt that the Lord is calling me to enter. But I must now protect your heart by acknowledging that He may someday call me out of the Order and back into the world before I take my final vows. Should that be His will, my hope is that you would view me as never having deceived you by stating that I know it is His will for me to become a solemnly professed canoness. Do I believe in my heart that that is His will? Yes, I very much do. And I pray for perseverance through whatever trials He may present me with on my journey to become His bride, if that is truly His will. But if it is not, I pray for understanding. Both on my part and the part of all you generous people who have helped me thus far.
Please understand how hard it is for me to write these
things, my brothers and sisters. I know it may hinder my efforts to raise money.
But I felt called today to be as honest and open with you as possible, and you
must know that I strive to respond to God’s desire for every moment of my life. Needless to say, I was deeply impacted by the woman's letter and felt it was God giving me permission to write about these things with honesty, and plead for your continued generosity in helping me pursue religious life, understanding that you are supporting my discernment, which at the present time is leading me to strongly wish to respond to the Lord's desire that I enter. For the peace of my own heart I am very thankful that many of those who have donated rather substantial amounts to Litany Run, have themselves gone through periods of discerning religious life at one point or another - and so I am thankful that they have some level of understanding and compassion for these things I have written. I must admit that it is a relief to write them. It is my prayer that everyone who has supported me thus far does not now, nor will ever feel misled in any way as to my true and honest intentions. For now, I press on in the pursuit of entering my vocation in August, giving my whole life to God and
remaining in the monastery for the rest of my days. Please pray through the intercession
of our Blessed Mother, for the conversion of sinners beginning with me, and
that young people may desire to pursue their vocations to sainthood with
eagerness and a quiet, humble desperation worthy of the Lamb.
I am beginign to wonder if this is a true representation of what you are saying.
ReplyDeleteI am having doubts this looks more like a hoax to me, I have sent you a donation, I am a Malaysian not really rich I earn less that $500/ a month, I also know that in the US the people are poor in faith, that is the poverty that worries me so sending you the money for missionary work enhancement and evangelisation was a good cause.
Now that this seems to be comming back into my mail box so may times I feel this is a hoax.
Hello there,
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry to read of your doubt in the authenticy of my efforts. I have been sure to send thank you letters to all who have sponsored me online and am still working in sending cards to those who have mailed me donations. I have only had one donation come through from Malaysia that I know of, and I sent a thank you email several months ago. This blog is for my sponsors and prayerful supporters to be able to read about me journey an my pursuit of holiness and doing the will of God. Any fear or doubt expressed here is a sincere plea for prayers from my readers, that God will give me the grace to persevere in this difficult yet blessed life to which He is calling me. My acceptance letter from Mother Mary Augustine is posted on www.litanyrun.com, and please let me know if there is any other way you'd prefer me to verify that this is not a hoax. If you have attempted to sponsor me and it has not come through, I will pray that God blesses you for your generosity and I truly appreciate your desire to serve Him through helping me.